There are a number of lemonade diet reviews as this is popular due to its simplicity and testimony by celebrities. Also known as the Master Cleanse Diet , it has been around for more than 50 years and was created by Stanley Boroughs in the 1940s. Though popular, it has gained much criticism worldwide.
What is this diet all about?
It is actually a pretty simple and affordable diet to do which helps boost its popularity. You just replace all your meals with a concoction of lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. There are actually three phases to the diet which is the ease-in, the lemonade diet , and the ease out.
The ease-in allows your body and mind to be prepared for the change in food intake. It lasts for three days and asks you to cut down on certain food groups. On the first day, you are only allowed to eat living food which is fruits and vegetables. The recommended ratio is to eat 60% vegetables and 40% fruits which are low in sugar. On the second day, you are only allowed to eat soups and juices in preparation for an all liquid diet . On the third day, you are asked to drink just orange juice the entire day with the option of adding maple syrup.
The actual diet consists of the lemon juice mixture as replacement for daily meals. You are asked to drink 6-12 glasses a day and only when you're hungry or feeling weak. You are also asked to take a salt water flush or a laxative to promote bowel movement. You are allowed to drink water throughout the day for hydration. The diet doesn't really have a set time frame limit but the recommendation is to do it only for 14 days.
The ease-out is simply the reverse of the ease-in where on the first day you drink orange juice, the next day you are allowed to eat soups and other juices and on the third fruits and vegetables before returning to your normal diet .
The Criticisms
It is easy to see why people would go on such a diet considering its ease, availability and affordability. Anyone can do it in their kitchen and with fast results. It is considered an extreme diet since all types of food is totally eliminated in your body. It is also a crash diet as most of the weight lost during that time is composed of water. Upon resuming regular eating, it is almost guaranteed that you will put back some pounds and perhaps some more.
Since the lemonade does not meet all the nutrients your body needs, it is also considered to be unhealthy. What's more is that people who need to exert a lot of effort daily or have work cannot perform the diet as it may leave a person feeling weak. The flush also requires you to go for frequent trips to the bathroom.
The Conclusion
If you are looking to lose weight fast then the lemonade diet will be effective for you. But be aware that long term weight loss requires a lifestyle change and not just a stop gap measure.