Detox Diet Plan

A good detox diet plan not only helps you cleanse and nourish your body, but also helps you rejuvenate your body and helps you lose a bit of weight on the side. But the key point to note here is that weight loss is not the main objective of this diets plan. If you're on this diet plan then your main aim is to detoxify your body.

This basically means that a detox diet plans does nothing but help you eliminate harmful toxins from your body, which would otherwise have accumulated in your body and caused much harm in the long run. When you are following this diet plan, then the main organ involved in the process, or more appropriately, the main organ which gains from it is your liver.

Why A Detox Diet?

The increasing amounts of pollution and toxins floating about these days make a detox diets plan extremely essential. Various poisons and toxins find their way into our body through the environment - the air, water and of course, the food which we consume. If we do not eat food which boosts the capacity of our body to eliminate toxins, then this spells trouble.

We can be saddled with an extremely weak immunity system, tiredness and lethargy, hormonal imbalance and improper secretion for hormones and even impaired metabolism which can lead to excessive weight loss. The external manifestations of these can be seen in the form of skin eruptions, hair fall, bad breath, frequent digestion problems and muscle cramps.

What Can You Include In your Detox Diets?

The detox diet has become a fad diet and is steadily gaining popularity. There are many versions of this diet. But principally it involves the consumption of a lot of fluids and exclusion of any food substance which requires your digestive system to work over-time. People drink a lot of water while on this diet and this part of the diet is called hydrotherapy.

Other food substances which you can include in this diet are onions, garlic, vitamins, antioxidants, protein (but in small quantities), and certain vegetables like broccoli, artichokes and beets. Following a detox diet plan is not easy, since it involves minimal quantities of food, but it is truly worth it

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