Diet 4 Idiots - Is it Really That Simple?

Many dieters become skeptical about great claims for  diets . This article will attempt to find proof backing up the claims that there really is such a simple  Diet  4 Idiots. We will examine a calorie shifting  diet  to see if it this kind of  diet .

The first thing we need to do is define what is meant by, 'simple.' If a  diet  is simple, it would be easy to follow. It would not be torture to follow the menu and it would be reasonably easy to prepare the right meals. Perhaps the biggest criterion for a simple  diet  is that it works. So, what is the verdict?

First, is it easy to follow?

Some people gravitate toward a low carbohydrate  diet  because they like to eat meat. But, the beauty of a Calorie Shifting  Diet  (a  Diet  4 Idiots) is that you get to eat all kinds of food - meats and carbohydrates. This gives the ability to get a healthier  diet  in which you get the carbohydrates that you need for energy and the proteins that you need for body-building and fat burning. When you start this  diet , you tell the menu maker what kinds of foods you like. Then it makes a calorie shifting  diet  that incorporates those foods.

So the  diet  is easy to follow, because it is all written up for you with foods that you like and foods that are readily available in your cupboard or the grocery store. It is not a starvation  diet  -- in fact you are encouraged to eat four meals a day, and to eat until you feel satisfied.

Now, does it work?

If you search the web for negative reviews about this  diet , it is almost impossible to find. Some people say that they only lost 7 pounds in the first 11 days instead of the advertised 9, but still are overall positive about the  diet . Others remind you that you still have to be motivated - it doesn't just happen without any effort. All will concur, though, that if you follow the simple  diet , you will lose weight quite quickly.

So, the conclusion seems to be that a calorie shifting  diet  (or, a  diet  4 idiots) is one of the simplest  diets  to follow - if not the simplest. And the consistent response of those who have tried it is that it really does help people lose weight quickly.

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