If, like many people trying to shed excess pounds today, you are actively trying to find that one diet that not only works and causes weight loss, but one that you can stick with for more than a few weeks at a time.
Perhaps you've even been contemplating if whether or not a low carbohydrate diet, a diet that's been rather popular for more than the past decade, may be the right choice for you. If so, you should first consider your overall eating habits, your likes and dislikes, and the state of your health in general before opting for this particular type of weight loss plan over another.
Read on for some important information about the most popular low carbohydrate diets today and how restricting carbohydrates from meals helps to spark weight loss so that you can decide if this type of plan would be the right choice for you and your weight loss goals.
Popular Low Carb Diet Programs
Low carb diets have helped countless people achieve their weight loss goals and become markedly healthier in the process. But regardless of the actual low carb diet program or plan followed, all will restrict or reduce the number of grams of carbohydrates allowed each day.
Food choices for low carb diets include all meats like pork, beef, chicken, and turkey, as well as seafood, eggs, and many vegetables. Beverage choices on a low carb diet include coffee, tea, water, diet soft drinks, or other sugar-free drinks.
Sugar-free gelatin with heavy whipping cream makes for an excellent alternative to eating sweets as well as low carb snacks like cream cheese on celery, turkey wraps, cheese with mustard, or vegetables with dip.
Some of the most popular low carb diets include:
- The Atkins Diet: The Atkins Diet was the brainchild of cardiologist Dr. Robert Atkins who first reasoned back in the 1970s that because an excess of carbs causes the body to turn them into fat, limiting or restricting carbohydrate intake forces the body to use its stored fat cells rather than the carbs for energy.
The goal of this particular low carb diet, and the basic premise of all the others, is to consume as few carbohydrates as possible causing the body to enter into a state of ketosis, which is when the body uses fat cells known as ketones rather than the available carbohydrates for energy.
During the first two weeks of the Atkins diet, dieters are not permitted more than 20 grams of carbs per day with this number increasing throughout the program's four phases.
- The South Beach Diet: Also created by a cardiologist, Dr. Arthur Agatston, The South Beach Diet has a slightly different approach to low carbohydrate dieting and consists of three different phases. The first phase of the South Beach plan focuses on sources of lean protein and healthy fats along with high fiber before the second phase which differs from plans such as the Atkins in that it allows more carbohydrates before the final phase, maintenance.
- The Zone Diet: Created by Dr. Barry Sears, The Zone Diet moderately restricts carbohydrates and follows the diet's 1-2-3 Method, which calls for 1 gram of fat to be consumed along with every 2 grams of protein and finally, 3 grams of carbohydrates.
The basic theory behind this particular low carb diet is to regulate the body's hormone levels that are responsible for weight gain.
Some other low carb diet programs to choose from include Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, Protein Power, or Sugar Busters. Of course, you should always consult with your own doctor before starting any new type of diet program.