Easy Online Diet Defined

The first thing to work out is what is an easy  diet ? When is a easy  diet  a easy  diet ? Or when is a hard  diet  a hard  diet ? Who can say? Is a  diet  a simple easy  diet  because some so-called  diet-guru  says that it is a easy  diet ? Should we believe the  diet-gurus  just because they say that it is so?

Should we instead believe someone that we know? They may have used that  diet  - then again they may not have. But if they still make a pronouncement that a particular  diet  is a simple easy  diet , how do they know? Do they have experience of that  diet ? If so, they could be considered more qualified to make that judgement. If on the other hand they have just had a look at some promotional blurb and made a decision based on that, they should be saying that it LOOKS like a easy  diet . Or it looks like a hard  diet . Once again, that is only going to be their judgement.

So, where do you, the would-be dieter, the searcher for an easy online  diet , go from here? After all, you have been looking at various  diets  yourself. You may have tried a number of them. Presumably they were all hard. If they were not, would you now be looking for another one? Of course, even a easy  diet  may not have worked for you. Perhaps you (despite all of your best efforts) did not follow it as the creator of the  diet  intended it to be followed. Not your fault of course - it is the responsibility of the person creating the  diet  plan to make it clear exactly how it should be followed if it is to succeed. Even then though, it may not be a success for everybody.

One possible definition of an easy  diet  is one that is simple to follow. Well, eating the same thing every day would be fairly simple, but would that be called a easy  diet ? Maybe. But it would be very boring and probably not much good for you anyway. Is it one that is well-written? Perfect grammatically correct language, every sentence constructed correctly, all bullet-points correctly positioned so that it is easy to read? Does that qualify as an "easy  diet "? Perhaps you can see the drift here. We have to be able to define the phrase "easy  diet ", not just the individual words, before we can determine what is an easy online  diet .

My personal definition of an easy online  diet  is one which firstly is available online! (Strange that.) A easy  diet  is one in which the ingredients are readily available, the meal preparation is simple, it provides variety and I do not get sick of eating what it calls for. That makes for easy  diet  food. Being able to select what I want to eat also makes it a simple easy  diet , even though it normally means having to choose from a supplied list.

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