Quick, name a fat loss
When you look at the three universal principles that make up most of the fat loss
Too little: When your fat loss
Too much: Almost everything that is bad for your health will rise. Cardiovascular disease markers such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol will all rise. Not to mention that your body will not be able to handle insulin in the way that it is meant to so you'll start to gain weight around your stomach.
Too little: You'll feel sluggish, your joints will hurt and you'll have lower levels of natural fat burning hormones. Since fat is essential for the production of natural hormones, depriving yourself of it will actually cause your body to hold onto fat. Yes, eating too little fat will actually make your body hold fat. You don't want that in a fat loss
Too much: We're only going to talk about healthy fat here since I doubt that anyone who wants to burn fat would eat unhealthy trans-fats. You can eat too many healthy fats. Fat is fat, while some have healthy benefits and others have unhealthy benefits, eating too much will actually help you gain fat. So a moderate fat intake on a fat loss
Too little: Not eating enough protein is a death sentence for anyone who wants to burn fat. Not only does protein provide amino acids which are essential for losing fat, protein will also fill you up so you won't have the need to snack. Protein also helps your recover from tough workouts so if you are not eating protein, especially after exercise, then you won't recover from you workout.
Too much: While most people never get near eating too much protein, it does happen. Good fat loss