Rice Diet

The name makes it sound like just another gimmick but this  diet  plan is anything but. The Rice  Diet  is a weight loss program that is run from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Participants in the plan have experienced great success.

The Rice  Diet  is a medically supervised plan. The  diet  can be followed for as little as two weeks depending on the needs of the participant. The program requires that the participants live in the facility for the duration of the program.

The  diet  was developed almost eighty years ago. The doctor that developed the  diet  wanted to see if certain diseases could be affected by what we eat. He was hoping to find that by changing the  diet , the progression of conditions like diabetes could be reversed.

The  diet  emphasizes rice as the main staple of the plan. It was observed that people, who ate a  diet  of foods where rice was consumed on a regular basis, enjoyed a life with few instances of hypertension, stroke, or diabetes. This can be seen in Asian countries where rice is eaten at almost every meal.

The participants eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, fish and of course, rice. The food choices are quite specific which accounts for the quick loss of weight. Portion size is regulated so that patients learn how to eat and what is normal for serving sizes. Portion sizes have gotten so out of control in this country that everyone needs to be retrained to understand how much they should actually be eating.

Fat and salt consumption are kept low. Salt is not recommended in particular for patients with high blood pressure. This can be a problem for "salt-a-holics". But, using a lot of salt to season food leads to fluid retention and bloating. Patients are shown how to season food with spices other than salt. Fat is kept low so that the body will use it's own stores as fuel.

Patients have access to classes that teach all about food and how to eat properly for optimal health. Support is available for those who need help during their stay and how to manage after the program is over. Since the program is supervised, the health of the patient is watched for any major problems.

The program is costly. Staying in a program of this sort for any length of time will require big bucks. You may need to take out a personal loan if the program is what is needed in order to lose weight.

Participants do have access to support resources once they finish the program. This support ensures they continue to enjoy weight loss or weight maintenance at home. The program is also available online for people to check out what the plan offers and see if it is right for them.