You know the worst thing about going on a diet ?
Going on a diet !
Going "on" a diet implies you will be going "off" a diet . Not only is this counterproductive, it's unhealthy, and it doesn't help you achieve your ultimate goal of weight loss.
You know what you love to eat. The right diet for you is a diet that closely matches your current eating habits. No one diet is right for everyone, no one diet is universal.
If you love meat, find a diet that emphasizes meat. If you hate veggies or you don't have time to cook, there are diets that will work for you too.
For example, people that love their carbohydrates may want to check out the Mediterranean Diet for a diet filled with whole grains, breads, pasta, rice, vegetables, and fruits. Those of you who like prepared meals may want to consider options such as Nutrisystem or Weight Watchers. No matter what your preference there is an option for you.
Get on the Internet now and look for diets that match your current eating habits. This is the best way to make sure you will stick to the diet , or should we say your new lifestyle.
You will have to make some changes to your diet . Do it one step at a time. Think of it as re-balancing your diet . Maybe you just need to replace some of your sugar intake with an apple, for example. Remember cutting 100 calories a day is equivalent to 10 pounds of weight loss. Can you think of 100 calories you would be willing to cut?
Another thing to consider is the source of your diet tendencies. Some people stress eat, eat because they are lonely, or many other reasons. If you don't address the source of the problem it can often be difficult or impossible to maintain a diet . First answer the question of "why" you eat and once you've got that figured out you can answer the "what".
In general, a healthy diet is low in fat and sugar but high in fiber and protein. This is a very general rule of thumb and there are an endless number of diets that meet this criteria. Choose the diet you know you can stick to, is healthy, and is most similar to what you already eat.
Also, keeping a food journal or taking photos of what you eat can be very helpful.