What Makes A Bad Diet Bad?

There are good  diets , there are bad  diets , and there are very bad  diets . There are  diets  that work, and there are  diets  that will never work. For the person looking to lose a few pounds in weight, then the weight loss business presents a confusing mixture of what to do and what not to do.

However, there are certain pointers that indicate that a particular  diet  may not live up to its claims, and in fact could be dangerous from a health point of view. Such  diets  may be termed 'bad  diets ' not only because of the potential health danger, but also because they fail as weight loss tools.

On the other hand, a 'good  diet ' will retain a wide range of food groups in its plans, together with an emphasis on regular, meaningful exercise. 'Good  diets ' are those that work and get positive results. Most 'good  diets ' are recommended and approved by dieticians and the medical profession.

The factors that indicate a  diet  is 'bad' are many, but once a person recognizes these factors then that person knows that these  diets  should be avoided.

Factors to consider:

If a  diet  suggests that exercise is unnecessary, then forget it. All good  diets  need some level of physical activity - even something as basic as an hour walk. It is impossible to lose weight and keep it off unless regular exercise is included in the way of life.

Do not be fooled by a  diet  that works by causing the loss of fluids. This in itself will cause a reduction in weight during the first few weeks of a  diet , but this is only a temporary condition. Once a normal  diet  resumes the person's weight is regained. It should be pointed out that restricting the body to its needed amount of fluids could be the cause of light-headedness leading to fainting.

Remember too that  diet  programs that require the dieter to buy in selected prepared meals are extremely expensive. The total cost of the program and its duration should be known before starting this type of  diet  program.

Be wary of  diets  that eliminate particular food groups from being eaten. A selection of all food groups is necessary for optimum health. This maximizes the number and range of vital minerals and vitamins that are needed for good health.

Do not be persuaded that missing a meal each day will quickly get the weight down. It will not in the long term, and it may cause medical problems. For this reason, a good  diet  may suggest the eating of four or five small meals a day instead of the usual three.

A  diet  low in fiber from a limitation of the amount of carbohydrates consumed may lead to constipation. This can be over come by drinking lots of water during the day. A  diet  rich in fiber content i.e., fresh fruit and vegetables, legumes, and nuts is necessary for sustained weight loss.

Be aware that a  diet  built around a  diet  pill may be unhealthy and unsafe if the pill has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

A  diet  that restricts a dieter to eating a particular food group to the exclusion of other food groups may be difficult to sustain. The monotony of eating the same food day in day out will lead to the dieter going off the  diet . A 'good  diet ' will ensure a dieter has the widest variety of food groups possible. As in life, variety is the spice of life.

For a  diet  to work effectively, the dieter should be at ease in eating the food prescribed. The food should be enjoyable, tasty, as well as being nutritious. If the food does not meet these basic requirements then the dieter will soon get bored and nothing will be achieved.

A  diet  program familiar to the author is the Low GI  Diet .

This is much more than a  diet  - it is a program to help a person achieve a healthy life-style including a weight level that suits the person's height and age.

All the normal, everyday foods are eaten - but only the low GI varieties. The  diet  allows for plenty of lean meats, whether it be red meat, poultry, or fish. Fresh fruit and vegetables are staples of the  diet  as all are low GI products.

For more information about this easy to follow  diet  and life-style program, search for 'Low GI  Diet ' on your favorite search engine.

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