Coconut Oil and Weight Loss: What's the Connection?

Simple weight loss tips are everywhere - but do they really work? What is the connection between Coconut Oil and losing weight? If you have ever looked at a tub of coconut oil, you probably see that it looks a lot like lard. You know, that "bad" stuff that clogs arteries, sticks to your thighs and overall makes you unhealthy. What on earth are these so-called fitness and health gurus smoking to believe that something that looks like fat is going to make us skinny?

Well, like a book, you can't judge a fat by its cover. Turns out, there may be some actual science that supports the simple weight loss tips for the use of coconut oil in helping your body burn fat. The connection has something to do with "brown fat" and allowing your body to burn energy (read: calories) more efficiently.

What is Brown Fat?

Brown fat is the type of fat that actually burns calories rather than stores them. The fat that people are usually trying to get rid of when they want to lose weight is the yellow fat - the fat that stores our excess calories and adds inches to our hips.

Brown fat is part of your bodies system of thermogenesis which is just a fancy word for saying that heat is generated in the body during metabolism. You see, brown fat has a large number of mitochondria. Mitochondria are found in every cell of the body and contain the enzymes that are responsible for converting the food we eat (proteins, carbs, and fats) into energy. And, your brown fat has a LOT of mitochondria so there is a lot of action going on here - lots of heat - lots of fat burning power.

Where is Brown Fat?

We are all born with brown fat. And before you begin to think that it is what makes a baby's legs so chubby and cute, stop. Brown fat is in the parts of your body that require intense metabolic activity; heat. It's located deep within the body near the shoulder blades, down the spine, by your heart, and by your kidneys and adrenal glands. It keeps everything nice and warm, including your blood, and accounts for about 25% of the heat generated in your body.

Why is Brown Fat Important to Weight Loss?

When you lose brown fat, your body loses some of its ability to effectively burn the calories that you consume, making it harder to lose weight. As you age, some of your brown fat will be lost. Other things that contribute to the loss of brown fat are: exposure to toxins, yo-yo dieting, poor diet and negative behavioral activities.

Why is Coconut Oil Considered for Weight Loss?

There are several methods, foods and supplements you can consider to boost and enhance the performance of your brown fat. One simple weight loss tips points to oil. Coconut oil has been found to contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are believed to be effective in weight loss. Because of the reduced chain length, it's more rapidly absorbed by the body and metabolizes quicker. Plus, there is evidence that MCTs have an anti-coagulation effect and may lower cholesterol.

One study showed that just 1-2 tablespoons of MCTs added to a person's normal diet allowed for an additional 5% of calories burned and evidence of a natural reduction in appetite. So, adding this to your diet could result in your body using your food more efficiently (an increase in thermogenesis) and a feeling of being satisfied thus choosing to eat less without that feeling of deprivation.

Another source is grapeseed oil. You can cook with these oils just as you would any other vegetable oil or use it on vegetables and salad dressings. The recommended amount daily is 1-2 Tablespoons.

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