The South Beach Diet - A Review

One  diet  plan that's gained a great deal of popularity with some Hollywood stars.

This is one of the smarter  diets  on the market and cannot be described as a crash  diet  at all as the vital nutrients your body needs are all included. When using this plan you are also encouraged to sustain regular physical activity, which is another important element in long-term weight loss success.

Let's take a closer look inside the South Beach  Diet  so you can see what this plan is all about and make the right decision about whether it's the  diet  for you.

What The South Beach  Diet  Is

The South Beach  diet  cannot be described as either a low carb or a low fat approach, but rather, it focuses on the types of these foods that you're eating.

The program is divided up into three different phases, with phase one being the most strict while each additional phase adds more and more foods back into your  diet .

During the first phase you're going to focus mostly on lean proteins, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, while in the second phase you're allowed to add back in some fruits that rank on low on the Glycemic index scale along with moderate amounts of whole grain cereals and pasta and low-fat dairy products.

This phase is carried out until you reach your goal weight, upon which phase three begins and you're able to add back most foods you enjoy in moderation while still maintaining the overall set-up of the  diet .

While on this  diet  plan you aren't instructed to count calories but instead keep portion sizes moderate and only eat until you feel satisfied. You're supposed to aim to consume three meals along with two to three snacks each day.


  • Is a very realistic approach to sustain over the long-term
  • Doesn't eliminate any major food groups
  • Enforces the increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Provides enough protein to support lean muscle mass
  • Doesn't take the calories to extremely low levels and cause metabolic slow-down
  • Is great for anyone as there are many ways to customize this  diet  to meet your individual dietary needs and preferences


  • Many people may struggle with the first phase as there is very little carbohydrates allowed
  • Energy levels may decline initially until you move into phase two
  • Since you aren't eating whole grains or fruits in phase one, you may not meet your requirements for fiber and some vitamins and minerals - this can be overcome however by taking a good multi-vitamin

The Verdict

So what's the verdict on the South Beach  Diet ? All in all, this plan is a very realistic one that you could use to not only help you reach your goal weight, but then stay there over the course of time. Apart from the very first phase, which lasts two weeks, this plan isn't overly restrictive so you'll be able to include many healthy foods that you enjoy.

Because of the fact that the plan does provide whole grains in the second and third phases, this also makes it ideal for those who are highly athlete or who are looking to build muscle as the body will require higher volumes of carbohydrates for muscle fuel.

For weight loss purposes, this  diet  is also a winner as it will keep blood sugar stable, preventing extreme food cravings and will help you see fast rates of weight gain, but not so fast that you yo-yo back to your original weight as soon as you move off the plan.

If you're looking for lasting success, the South Beach  Diet  is one you'll want to try.

Personal Trainer Newry

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