3 Tips to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

Do you find it difficult to achieve your  weight   loss  goals? Do you find it difficult to stay consistently on your  weight   loss  plan and avoid overeating?

If you are such a person then here are 3 tips exactly for you. By following these tips you can stick to your  weight   loss  plan and avoid breaking the rules.

1. Reward yourself with an irresistible offer:

An effective strategy to motivate ourselves in any situation is to reward ourselves. We can decide beforehand that if I do such and such thing then I will reward myself with such and such thing.

While pursuing  weight   loss  goals you can decide that if you reach your goal or if you reduce calorie intake by so much within a week you are going to reward yourself with something.

The trick here is to make the reward very very enticing. It should be something you want and enjoy. The offer should be an irresistible one so that you feel compelled to stick to your goal.

Another thing to remember is not to make a food reward. Don't say to yourself that if you control your eating for the whole week you will reward yourself by going to your favorite restaurant and eat whatever you feel like eating.

This may defeat the whole purpose of the exercise. Find some really enjoyable reward other than food. Use your creativity here. It is best to make a habit of frequently setting up rewards so that  weight   loss  becomes fun!

2. Put less food on your plate:

While eating it is a good habit to try and finish whatever is there in the plate. Psychologically we will not feel like getting up without finishing all the food we have put on our plate.

So let's make it a habit of putting less food in our plates to begin with. Even if you are feeling very hungry, put less food in the plate. When you have finished it within 2 minutes you can again put more food but do the same. Put less food again.

When you do this, it can be easier to control how much we eat. We might stop after a few times of serving ourselves.

3. Reduce speed:

It seems that it takes 15 or so minutes for our brains to get the message from our stomachs that they are full! In the meantime we might have been eating even though our stomach was full. We just didn't get the message from the brain at the right time to stop!

So how do you overcome this problem? One way is to eat slowly. There are a lot of benefits in eating slowly. You might have noticed that people who take a lot of time to eat and are slow eaters are usually very slim people!

What could be the reason behind that? One reason is that they can avoid overeating because the brain gets the message a full 15 minutes later from the stomach. In the meantime the rest of the people have been overstuffing themselves at a furious pace while the slow eaters were not doing it so fast.

Another reason could be that chewing food properly aids in better digestion. Many of us are in such a hurry while eating that we don't break the food properly into pieces before swallowing them. This can result in poor digestion and putting load on our stomach.

It is said that you need to chew each morsel of food atleast 30-50 times before swallowing.

Eating slowly can be one of the most effective means of getting slim and staying that way. We can eat slowly by taking smaller bites, chewing them more and putting less food in our plates at a time. We can try eating at an unhurried pace and dedicate atleast 20-30 minutes for each meal!

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