Can A Man's Diet Encourage Or Discourage X And Y Chromsomes Depending On The Gender That He Wants?

I sometimes have people contact me who have been researching various methods of trying to choose their baby's gender or sex at home. Some of them realize that if they want a girl baby, they need to try to eliminate of as many Y chromosomes as they can. Likewise if they want a boy, then they will need to kill off or diminish the X sperm. Sometimes people ask me if it's possible for the man or father-to-be to do this on his end with his diet.

I recently heard from someone who asked "we really want to conceive a boy baby. I know that in order to do this, we need to get rid of as many X's as possible. Is there any way that my husband can do this by watching his diet or by controlling the foods that he eats?"

The Ratio Of A Man's Sperm Isn't Affected By His Diet: These folks had the right idea, but they misunderstood whose diet they needed to be most concerned with. I'll explain. The ratio of a man's sperm doesn't seem to be changed or altered by his diet, his genetic make up, his age, his health, or any other factors. This has been studied and the findings are usually that the vast majority of men have equal ratios of X and Y sperm ( 50 / 50.) Of course, you want to make sure any man who is trying to conceive eats a healthy and balanced diet, but the acidity or alkalinity of his diet (and the foods he eats or doesn't eat) will not affect his sperm or his ratio of the Y to X chromosomes.

A Woman's Diet Is Thought To Affect Whether More X Or Y Sperm Chromosomes Make It To The Egg: However, this couple wasn't totally off base when they were asking about trying to kill off the X chromosomes for a boy. This is the goal of many women who are trying to control their baby's gender. See, even though there isn't much that you can do about the ratio of a man's sperm, there is something that you can do about which of those sperm makes it to (and eventually fertilizes) the egg by tweaking the woman or mother- to- be's diet instead of the man's.

Because her diet can affect the PH of her vaginal secretions and her vaginal and reproductive tract. If it is more alkaline, this is favorable to boy babies because the Y sperm are not killed off since this is friendly environment. But if it is more acidic, then this kills off those Y's because they don't like these surroundings and frankly many can not handle them. A woman who is very acidic can hope to have many less living and viable Y's present at conception because her high acidity has discouraged or killed them off. So the recap, when you want a boy, the woman or mother should strive to be more alkaline. When you want a girl, then the goal is to be more acidic.

But notice that we are talking about the woman's diet and not the man's. While the man can and should eat a balanced and healthy diet, what he eats isn't thought to influence his baby's gender in the way that the woman's or mother's diet can. If you're looking to "kill off" or discourage sperm because you prefer one gender over another, then the mother's diet is the one that you should be looking at.

In addition to diet and specific foods, the woman can also use specialty douches which can sometimes bring about faster results than the food method. And either of these methods can be helped greatly by using the right tools, like PH testers that allow you to track your progress as you make changes to the woman's diet or douches.

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