Effective Meal Plan For Type 1 Diabetes Diet

If you're experiencing continuous thirst and recurrent urination, intense hunger, blurred eyesight, weight loss or tiredness, then you should submit yourself to fasting blood sugar test, as these are the usual symptoms of type I diabetes. If the specialist diagnoses that you have type I diabetes (also called diabetes mellitus), then expect that you will experience a change in your way of life. You can fight against this medical condition by getting professional opinion, diabetes cure and implementing a type 1 diabetes  diet .

For a patient of type I diabetes, a  diet  that contains complex carbs is vital. But how should you plan for it and where will you get the information about the kind of foods that you should acquire? Apart from these questions, you should ask yourself, how to acquire the information about carbs that can raise the levels of blood sugar quicker than others? The answer to the last question is easy. The GI or glycemic index of a carb gives us details about how quick it can raise the blood sugar level, once it is consumed. Carbohydrates have allotted values ranging from 1 to 100. The value of 1 is given to the sluggish acting carbs. A dietitian can facilitate in planning for the right  diet  program. The dietitian can determine your needed calorie by evaluating your age, pressure, work habits, height and weight.

Some of the diabetes foods that you may incorporate in your diabetes  diet , which can help in controlling the level of blood glucose, are:

- Dairy products such as low fat milk that you can drink for at least two to three times every day.
- Fish which you can eat 3 to 4 times each week. Fish can be very beneficial because it has omega 3 fatty acid.
- Fresh fruits.
- Grains that contain starch or foods rich in complex carbohydrates.
- Green veggies that you can make in salad green. You can eat them as frequent as you want.
- You can also incorporate beans, cheese, eggs and meat in your diabetes  diet .

The fats and proteins in your diabetes  diet  do not affect the levels of blood sugar, but if you exceed your consumption on protein, your liver will convert it into blood glucose that can raise the level of your blood sugar. In contrast, huge amounts of fats in foods may slow down the inclusion of sugar in your blood stream. But consuming foods that are high in fats for such reason is not suggested as fatty food can cause complications like heart attack, obesity and the like.

Make a chart of your insulin injection and dose depending on your meals to deal with the post-meal rise in the levels of your blood sugar. Be cautious with your insulin dosage. If the quantity of the injected insulin is greater than needed, it might result the blood glucose level to fall known as hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia if the injected insulin is too low than required.

You can cope with type 1 diabetes by utilizing insulin, the three divided attack exercises and following the components of the type 1 diabetes  diet  like vegetarian  diet  or the GI  diet  plan. Always keep yourself healthy and well as that is basically the way to living a healthy and gratifying life.

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