Fluid Retention Diet

What is a fluid retention  diet ? This is a  diet  that is specifically created and engineered to help those suffering from edema or water retention that is dietary-related. This distinction is necessary as some cases of fluid retention are caused by other problems and issues that are not necessarily related to the  diet , and those suffering from such diseases and conditions need to seek professional help for them.

A significant cause of edema nowadays is high dietary sodium. A significant amount of electrolytes like sodium in the blood stimulates the thirst mechanism in humans, and this of course causes people to increase their water intake in order to ensure that the level of salt in the blood does not reach dangerous levels. Unfortunately, in today's word where most people are frequent consumers of fast food items and other less-than-optimal food - most if not all of which are rich in sodium - many people suffer from edema caused by high sodium levels. Switching to a  diet  that contains a low amount of sodium can help sufferers avoid this problem.

Another good component of such a  diet  is dietary fiber, especially in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. While canned vegetables still do have significant benefits, edema sufferers need to know that salt is added to many canned vegetables in order to preserve them. In addition, many canned fruits may have been artificially sweetened with sugar, which can itself lead to further health problems. The recommended amount is approximately eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily as part of a balanced  diet . Some excellent vegetables that can form part of a fluid retention  diet  include cabbages (known for stimulating urination and thus doubly useful to stave off edema), cucumbers, carrots, spinach, bananas (high in potassium, which can counter high sodium levels, and thus excellent in helping treat water retention), peaches and pears.

Now, for some practices that can help edema sufferers successfully deal with their condition. Firstly, they need to learn how to properly read and interpret labels. Some unscrupulously labeled food items may claim to be healthy but may actually contain high levels of sodium. Sufferers, as well as those who wish to eat a healthy  diet , need to check the level of sodium their food contains and avoid those items that contain too much sodium.

Next, sufferers need to take a long hard look at the food they eat. Many people nowadays enjoy garnishing their food with pre-mixed flavoring mixes, salad dressings and the like, both for convenience's sake and in order to boost the flavor of their food. It must be mentioned that many of these prepared mixes and dressings can contain an inordinately high amount of sodium - even those that are marketed as 'lite'. A good solution is to try and flavor one's food with natural substances such as vinegar or citrus juices, or homemade salad dressings based around these and other substances, instead of buying mixes in the store.

Use these tips to develop a fluid retention  diet  that can help banish edema for good!

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