Weight Loss and Hypnosis - Does It Really Work?

Millions of Americans are grappling with weight management problems. According to statistics, the prevalence of obesity in the adult population has reached 30 percent, and children are not too far behind. Obesity needs to treated seriously as it has been highly correlated with health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

One approach that has caught the attention of the public is the use of hypnosis in weight loss programs. While the effectiveness of hypnosis in aiding smokers to quit smoking has been recognized, its effectiveness in enhancing weight loss efforts is still being researched.

We do have testimonies of people who actually tried using hypnosis for getting rid of excess weight. A 224-pound chronically obese woman attributed her successful reduction of 95 pounds from her weight to hypnosis. She had previously tried different diets, but as none had been truly effective, she decided to go to a hypnotist. Even though she was doubtful of the approach initially, she began seeing positive results, and has now become totally convinced of the efficacy of the practice.

Her hypnotist used a two-step process in her hypnosis. In the first step, the hypnotist guided her into understanding the behavioral roots of her problem. The second step is the hypnosis proper, where she was led by the hypnotist into a relaxed state of mind, and was given suggestions on altering her eating habits.

Sample hypnotic suggestions included statements that she no longer have cravings for sugar and sweets, and that she now prefers the smell and taste of fresh fruits.

After three years of attending hypnosis sessions, the woman's weight has dropped to 129 pounds. She continues to go to her hypnotist, although her focus is already on maintaining healthy eating habits.

Yale University medical professor David Katz believes that hypnosis is a form of psychotherapy that works best on people who are submissive. It will have minimal or no effect on people who oppose the idea of hypnosis. He still asserts that the most sensible path to weight loss is to see a nutritionist and to get adequate exercise.

Hypnosis involves getting the patient into a temporarily altered state of consciousness. A good analogy for this condition is when you are completely absorbed in reading a book that you barely notice your surroundings.

If you're one of those people who are interested in trying this approach, you need to take precautions in finding a trust-worthy hypnotist with good credentials. As hypnosis brings you into an altered state of mind, you may become vulnerable to other people, particularly, your hypnotist. Check on the professional credentials of your prospective hypnotist. It would be preferable for you to go to hypnotists who have a background in clinical psychology or psychology counseling.

Hypnosis has been applied to different conditions unrelated to weight management. Athletes sometimes use them to remove emotional blocks to optimum performance. It has also been used for therapy for people who have gone through traumatic experiences such as rape and physical abuse. It has been used for treatment of maladies ranging from sleep disorders, migraines, and anxiety, to ulcer, nausea and depression.

If ever the approach does not work for you, then, at most your only investment had been your time and the professional fees that you shouldered.

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