Formulated by Florida-area heart specialist Arthur Agatston, the South Beach
The South Beach
Dr. Agatston thinks that extra ingestion of supposed harmful carbohydrates makes an insulin resistance syndrome which is an symptom of reduced quality of the hormone insulin's ability to decently act on body fat or sugar. Also he believes, with most doctors, that overindulgence of bad fats adds to an gain in cardiovascular disease.
To make impossible these two conditions, The doctor's
The South Beach
In two weeks, Phase II starts. Fruits and whole grain foods are step by step brought back to the
Beneficial carbs are rich in fiber or rich in good fats, and get a low glycemic index, that is, they are digested and ingested easy. Some other desirable carbohydrates are those with more nutritional measure than the options. For example, brown rice is permitted in moderation, but white rice is deterred. When consuming any carbohydrates, the Dr. urges also eating fiber or fat to retard digestion of the carbohydrates.
Good fats are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, particularly those with omega-3 fatty acids. Trans fats and saturated fats are bad fats.
South Beach
1. a change in the way you eat
2. eat many different foods
3. simplicity and adaptability.
Consuming whole grains and big quantities of vegetables is promoted, along with sufficient amounts of mono- and polyunsaturated fats, with omega-3 fatty acids, such as are held in fish. It deters the eating of excessively processed foods like high fat meats, and saturated fats.