Weight Loss Cycle Explained and How You Can Benefit From Bee Pollen

The Weight Loss Cycle is something that all people go through while losing weight or burning fat. Most people think that bee pollen is a magic pill that will make them lose weight instantly.

I have news for you...It's not magic. It's a process.

But once you WORK that process, it CAN work like magic!

Here's the Weight Loss Cycle Broken Down Into 3 Simple Parts

1. Collect Information About Current Body Weight and Fat Percentage

Knowing about your body weight and fat percentage, before beginning any plan is extremely important.

The best way to measure your body weight is to get a personal body scale. Weigh your body during the first 15 minutes of waking up.

For your body fat percentage, use a fat caliber, it's cheap and very accurate. Electronic body fat percentage devices are not very accurate and can change depending on the percentage of water in your body.

Write down your weight and body fat percentage, and the date, in a small notebook. Also, measure the circumference of your upper arms, upper waist, lower waist, your thighs, and lower legs. This will give you the perfect statistics to measure your progress.

2. Develop Your Nutritional and Exercise Plan

One of the most overlooked things that people who want to lose weight don't do, is they don't make any well defined plan. They say they want to lose weight, but don't have a plan. That's like going to a new city, but not knowing the roads, or the route to get there and driving blind folded.

Having a well thought out plan that is written down and very specific will make it easier for you to lose weight and burn fat. For example, here is a simple daily nutritional plan:

Breakfast at 7:30 am: 2 scrambled eggs with 1 slice of whole wheat toast and 3 bee pollen capsules

10:00 am at Work: 1 whole white boiled egg, with 6 slices of cucumbers, and a piece of white round cheese

1:00 pm at Work: 1 chicken breast, with 4 pieces of brocoliii, and 4 pieces of roasted potatoes

3:00 pm at Work: 1 small bowl of sweet corn

6:00 pm at Home: 1 bowl of salad (lettuce, cucumbers, one handful of mashed up chicken pieces, and one handful of crutons)

This is only one daily nutritional plan that I have followed and developed on my own with the help of a very useful book called "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by bodybuilding fitness guru Tom Venuto.

Having an exercise plan is equally important. You don't want to be those people who exercise without knowing if it is working or not, that is why the first part of the weight loss cycle is about knowing your current measurements. Because an effective exercise plan will show an improvement in about 2 weeks.

A exercise plan that I personally use is based on functional strength training, and it is called StrongLifts 5x5 Beginner Program. It is a program that is easy to learn and is simple. Also, I like this program because you only work 3 times a week, and it's every other day, so you have time to rest in between and go about your life, and you don't have to be a gym rat.

Having both an exercise plan and nutritional plan will make you lose weight and burn fat much faster.

3. Course Correct and Monitor Your Progress

The most important part of any weight loss cycle is measuring your progress.

You should measure yourself after implementing your nutritional and excersice plan for at least 1 week. Remember you didn't get all the fat in a month or two, it took you years to accumulate all that fat, so it will take at least 3 months to see any significant weight loss.

With the help of bee pollen, you can shorten that to about 2 months.

If by the third week, you do not see any progress, then it's time to re-evaluate your plan. You will have to either change our nutrition, or change your exercise plan. What you change is entirely up to you. Some people reduce their caloric intake, while exercise the same, others increase caloric intake, while tripling their exercise.

Remember, to follow a plan, that you know has worked for others.


If you understand and implement these 3 weight loss cycle tips, you will be able to get the ideal body and health that you've always wanted. Not only that, you'll do it in a natural way, and will feel an increase in energy and health.

But just like other supplements out on the market, choosing the best supplement can make or break your health. Knowing the ins and outs of what you should ask before buying any bee pollen supplement is extremely important.

Visit my page on Bee Pollen Supplements, to learn more about what to do and know before buying anything.

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