The Best Fast Diet Detox - Juice Fasting

With the abundant availability of detoxification products, it is sometimes very difficult to choose one from thousands of them and since all the detoxification products and kits claim to be the best, for a layman like me, it is even more difficult to think of settling down for one, not knowing whether my choice would be the safest one or not.

Detox diets are not always about fasting I thought....but fast diet detox are now believed to be the wisest options that can provide the best results within a very short period of time.

The process of fasting for detoxification began with water fasting in which a person was supposed to drink just plain water for a given period of time. This seems to be a good idea though, but on the very second day, you would feel dizzy and would have occasional headaches as well. Unless your metabolism is really slow, it would be very difficult for you to go on a water fast for a considerable period of time.

With water fasting being so stringent on our health, the concept of juice fasting was introduced. It is undoubtedly the best way of detoxification that allows the body to release all the accumulated toxins while providing your body with the abundant nourishment, which it needs. Juice fasting usually contains the juices of fruits or vegetables in their fresh form. These juices are loaded with cleansing and healing properties that can cleanse the system gently and very safely without any side effects. Juice fasting also has healing capabilities and is good for our liver as well. As these juices clean the system, they also provide us with essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals for perseverance.

The juice fast diet detox allows thorough cleansing of the bodily toxins. These freshly prepared juices can boost the immune system and since the juices do not require digestive energy, the body can just emphasize on healing and rejuvenating itself from within instead of carrying out all the regular processes. This also allows the digestive organs of the body, mainly the liver, to relax for some time. Fruit juices are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytochemicals and antioxidants and all these put together can help in driving out the unwanted wastes from the body thus improving the health conditions.

Some juice fast detox diets are prepared with some added substances as well such as cayenne pepper, maple syrup and other such ingredients having effective cleansing properties. These ingredients are added to the juices in appropriate proportions for proper cleansing. Consider the Master Cleanse diet for instance, which is a blend of lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This is one such diet, which is quite similar to fasting since it does not allow any solid food consumption. It allows the dieter to have about 6-10 glasses of this drink everyday for a period of 10 days for detoxification.

Such diets are not only good cleansers, but are great weight loss tools as well. While you are cleansing your body, you can also lose your body weight and get back into shape once again.

While there are various detox diets available today, the natural ones still stand most since they have no side effects and can show quick results. Juice fast detox diet is definitely the best diet for detoxification till date and has been around for more than 50 years and you can try it out for yourself as well.

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