Are Phentermine Diet Pills the Answer to Weight Loss?

Phentermine  diet  pills are being touted as the number one selling prescription  diet  aids on the market. Yet just because something is approved by the FDA and your doctor can prescribe it to you, does not necessarily mean that it is 100% safe or effective. It's important to do your own research when it comes to medications, as many of them can have some very serious side effects that your doctor may not be aware of.

There are many websites selling phentermine without a prescription, or the generic version, which presents even more problems. Of course they market it in such a way where it seems to be prescribed - an online consultation - but in reality it is no different than buying it over the counter in a drug store. But regardless of whether you buy it online or with your doctor's prescription, there are phentermine side effects you should be aware of.

Being one of the top sellers, you may be wondering "How does phentermine work?" It is essentially nothing more than an appetite suppressant. It reacts with your nervous system, stimulating it in order to alter the chemicals in your brain that control hunger. Now, if weight loss were only just about being hungry that would be one thing. If that were the case, you could fill up on carrot sticks and boiled, skinless chicken breasts and lose the desired weight. Many people have underlying issues with food, such as emotional triggers that cause them to overeat. Depression is also common in obese individuals, causing fatigue and lack of energy. If you are one of the thousands of people that weight loss isn't just about being hungry phentermine  diet  pills might not work for you.

When asking how does phentermine work look closely at one of the precautions that are listed on the bottle. It is a warning against taking them if you have, or have had a history of, "emotional problems". Since it reacts with chemicals in your brain, it can also negatively affect your moods. Most people facing obesity problems do struggle with depression. Even if they are upbeat and positive about finally getting into shape, there are bad days in any weight loss endeavor.

There are phentermine side effects which can be exacerbated in those that have diabetes, high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid or glaucoma. Due to its addictive nature, those that have ever had a drug or alcohol problem face the possibility of becoming dependent on Phentermine  diet  pills as well. It cautions to not take more of the medication in order to get the effect. As with other prescription meds, your body develops a tolerance to it and can, in the end, leave you feeling deflated when it doesn't make you feel as good as it did at first.

Some of the more common phentermine side effects, which are reported mostly during the first few weeks of use, are dry mouth, irritability, trouble sleeping, constipation and upset stomach. The most disturbing warning is that phentermine  diet  pills can cause serious side effects if you ever need surgery while taking them. It reacts negatively with the medications that are used during operating procedures.

So, consider all the evidence and investigate for yourself all of the facts before attempting to use Phentermine  diet  pills. Although it can be quite effective, there are other options out there, so take a look around and decide what's right for you. You can learn more about prescription  diet  pills as well as natural and herbal alternatives on our site.

Regardless of what you choose, make sure you discuss everything with your doctor before choosing any prescription pill or herbal weight loss supplement.

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