Reducing Bad Cholesterol Tips That You Should Know About

Cholesterol is known as the silent killer. There are no symptoms which would indicate that you have this disease. What exactly is cholesterol? It is the buildup of plague or fatty deposits in your arteries leading to your heart. This will eventually stop the blood flow to the heart muscle. One might experience pain in the chest area because of it. If you do get a symptom is might be the start of a major heart attack or stroke. There are reducing bad cholesterol tips which might help you prevent the above scenario.

Some of the biggest reducing bad cholesterol tips concern the foods that you eat. As fatty foods would convert over to cholesterol these needs to be cut back or avoided from your   diet . Persons with high cholesterol will have numbers over 200 for the total figure. Your goal is to get it below this number. You can make a few changes in what you eat that will combat this number.

Vegetables are one food that will aid you in the fight of high cholesterol. Healthy green vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, and brussel sprouts are excellent sources to try. Make sure that you steam them and don't cook them in butter or a high fat concentration. Beans are a great addition to your food arsenal. The saying that beans are good for your heart is true.

For those that need an instance reduction you can eat a cup of yogurt three times a day to see major benefits. Fruits or vegetables high in fiber will also combat your high cholesterol levels. Fiber binds to fat and speeds it out of your digestive tract as waste without a large portion being absorbed into your system. The less fat you ingest, the lower it has a chance to build up as plaque.

If you must cook your foods in oils, it is best to use those which promote good cholesterol HDL levels. Most people have heard about olive oil. Other oil types which are just as good are walnut oil, canola oil, and flaxseed oil. They have different uses and cooking temperature levels. Some are also good as flavorings on salads.

Exercise is another activity that persons with high cholesterol levels should participate. It doesn't have to be strenuous. It might only be a moderate walk for thirty minutes three to five times a week to regulate levels. Your heart is a muscle that needs to get regular activity. It is better able to improve with some form of aerobic activity. If you combine exercise with proper eating habits you should see a reduction in your cholesterol.

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