Healthy Dieting - What Is A Detox Diet?

A detox diet is a short term diet that promotes elimination of toxins from the body. This is done by minimizing ingestion of chemicals and emphasizing on foods that are rich in nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. There are detox diets that can be taken for a day until several weeks.

More people have been engaging in detoxing their bodies. This is because the daily toxic substances that the body gets from the environment can be too much for the body to handle. The harmful substances also tend to become deposited to fat cells. These body burdens can be the cause of some of the most serious illnesses like cancer and diabetes.

During the detox, you'll have to make several changes to your eating habit. Eating foods rich in fiber should be at the top of your list. Fresh or frozen fruits are a big plus for your detoxification; you must consider fresh vegetables such as broccoli, onions, garlic, artichokes, beets and red and green vegetables. Rice, beans, nuts and other grains are also advisable and should be included on your detox diet. Fiber rich foods help your body absorbs and process food effectively. But you have to remember, having too much fiber in your body can lead to constipation. Drink plenty of water to avoid this condition.

You have to understand that undergoing a detox diet also means saying goodbye to most of your favorite foods and drinks. You'll have to try with all your might to keep yourself away from fast foods and any processed meat intake. Dairy products and wheat products must also be avoided.

Furthermore, you have to keep yourself away from all sweets because foods that have excess sugars and artificial sweeteners can affect the success of your detox diet, however, natural sweeteners such as stevia and erythritol may be allowed. Coffee and chocolate drinks are some of the drinks that you have to stay away from as well.

There are a lot of positive testimonials from people who had first hand experience. They say that they have improved energy, rejuvenated skin, regular bowel movements, better digestion, and enhanced concentration and clarity after a detox diet. This is not the case for everyone though; some people say they are very happy with their detox diet while others say it was the worst diet they've gone through. Some has noticeable outcome while others don't. Its effectiveness may depend on the person taking it. Patience and discipline is extremely needed for it to work.

There are some side effects that you have to prepare for when you want to have a detox diet. You might experience headache, nausea or tiredness on the first few days of your diet. Experts say that it is usually caused by caffeine withdrawal, so it is advised to gradually lower your caffeine intake prior to you detox diet. Over implementation of this diet might also affect your levels of nutrition because you are depriving yourself from eating foods rich in protein. So you have to know your limit on taking this.

It is highly recommended that you ask for the advice of your doctor first before going through detox diet. You must be sure that you are in the right condition for this diet. It's better safe than sorry. You might suffer from conditions that may cost you a long term treatment if you don't seek for a professional advice.

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