The Atkins Diet Explained Plus a 2 Week Dieting Plan

 Diets  after  diets . It can be very hard to choose the right  diet  to get the desired results. You want to lose weight but it can be very difficult to find the right path. If you are against starving yourself you should give a try to the Atkins  diet .

The Atkins  diet  is a fabulous way to shed those extra pounds forever. You don't have to count calories all day long and you can lose as much as 10 to 30 pounds just in the first month. I guess I got your attention at this point.

The best part is that the Atkins  diet  is full of foods you can eat so that you will never go hungry. You can eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, good carbs and fats and still lose weight.

The main idea of the Atkins  diet  is to restrict the amount of carbs you eat daily. If you choose to follow this  diet  you will notice a rush of energy taking over you, making your mind sharper and your body more resilient to physical activity.

The Atkins  diet  was presented to the world in 1972 by the doctor Robert Atkins which published a series of books discussing the dangers of a  diet  rich in sugar and carbohydrates: especially the bad effects of carbs on the heart and cardiovascular system. Along the time the Atkins  diet  proved to be a good way to lose those extra pounds.

The purpose of the  diet  is to change your metabolism, making it burn more fats. The Atkins  diet  is ideal for those that wish to lose weight without doing much physical activity. You never starve your body and you also give it all the nutrient, vitamins and minerals it needs. A truly healthy  diet .

The  diet  helps your body become accustomed to a new lifestyle. The way in which your body burns calories is changed and you feel more energetic. You also become more healthy. The Atkins method of weight loss has as its scientific foundation a unique way of controlling your carb intake. This will help you balance your nutrition and lose weight easily.

I recommend you test drive this  diet  for 14 days and then you can see how good it is for you. Here is a 2 days meal plan you can use as a guideline:

Day 1: -for breakfast you can eat 2 slices of whole grain toasted bread with cream cheese.

-for lunch you can eat grilled meat, cheese and a fresh tomato and lettuce salad.

-for supper you can eat grille pork meat with some cabbage salad.

Day 2: -for breakfast you can eat a 2 egg omelet with ham.

-for lunch you can eat a salad made out of lettuce, one tomato, cheese, olives and a tuna can.

-for supper beef with spinach

You can exchange the above mentioned foods with the following foods: chicken soup, fish salads, seafood, baked potatoes with garlic, boiled or grilled chicken meat with fresh salads, green vegetables...

Use your imagination to vary your meals. But you are forbidden to eat pastas, rice, soft drinks, and all food containing sugar of lots of cards. In your cooking you should use virgin olive oil. If you can boil or grill the meat you eat. Avoid frying the meat.

I wish you good luck losing weight using the Atkins  diet .

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