Did You Know That A Balanced Diet Can Improve Your Sex Drive?

There is a heck of a lot in our lives that depend on a healthy balanced diet don't you think? Time we got it right then - we are what we eat! Improve your sex drive!

A healthy sex life and natural drive, is not something separate to the rest of our health, it is a segment of our whole being and general health.

There are a shocking amount of people taking those little blue pills to help them with the health of their sex life. This is kind of sad, they get excited about the fact that they can have a better sex life, why can they not see they can do this in a healthy way? And it will be generally not just a period of time! Why have we come to need a pill for everything - when all we need is a balanced diet? Your overall health is important to your sex drive.

Simple diet changes can turn all of this around and improve our health generally, makes a lot more sense than risking heart attacks!

Circulatory System.

Having good circulation is essential for all of our organs to receive the blood it requires for health, this includes the sex organs.

A balanced diet, and regular exercise will ensure that our circulation is in peak condition.

Men concerned with their libido could include zinc-rich foods. A lack of zinc can cause infertility and impotence. Oysters (yes it's true) red meat and pumpkin seeds are all good sources of Zinc.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids help our circulation, these are oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, this group actually improves our health generally giving us a good supply of essential good fat's. Oily fish also contains plenty of selenium, zinc and magnesium, all critical for our peak sex drive (oh dear I hate fish) omega-3 supports our nervous system too.

Reduce Stress.

Stress is a definite libido killer, well that is the last thing we think of when stressed, right? The exercise, relaxation and some vitamin B-complex is what we need here. B-complex is great for our nervous system and helps us to stay more balanced.

Food groups that includes B-complex - green leafy vegetables, brewer's yeast, dairy products, whole grain cereals, liver, eggs, nuts, poultry, fish and yogurt, to name a few.

For The Men.

Some tests show results that 80% of men who took the supplement L-Arginine found they had better erections in a matter of weeks. L-Arginine is called 'Natures Viagra' and improves circulation.

Foods containing this - Oatmeal, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, dairy, green vegetables soybeans, seeds and chickpeas.

Definite No, No's.

Too much alcohol and nicotine will kill the sex drive. A little alcohol may get us in the mood, but we know the result of too much!

Smoking furs up the arteries and reduces circulation. If it is no good for your heart and your circulatory system - then it is no good for your sex drive!

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