How to Get More Vitamins in Your Diet

Vitamins and minerals are important for many health benefits in your body, from helping your hair, skin and nails to grow properly, to maintaining proper eyesight. Many modern  diets  don't provide enough natural vitamins and minerals that the body needs to be a healthy as it can be.

There are many ways to increase the amount of healthy nutrients that you consume. The best way is to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your  diet .

Vegetables can be quite boring for some people who prefer to eat tasty foods, but there are plenty of ways you can include healthy, vitamin rich foods in your  diet  every day.

Smoothies are a great way of introducing fruits into your  diet . Making a Smoothie every morning will provide plenty of healthy vitamins. Using fruits such as strawberries, blueberries and bananas will give you a vitamin boost.

Nutritious Smoothie Idea:
Handful of strawberries
Handful of blueberries
1 banana
tbsp fat free yoghurt

This nutritious Smoothie will give you a boost in the morning and provide your body with the nutrients it needs.

Why Should You Increase The Nutrients In Your  Diet ?
Many modern  diets  do not include the beneficial foods that out body requires. Therefore you can feel sluggish, tired and run down, becoming more susceptible to colds. In extreme cases you could even become deficient in certain vitamins for example a severe deficiency of vitamin D can cause rickets (softening of bones) and vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy (causes bleeding in the mouth and loss of teeth. Fortunately vitamin deficiencies are rare these days due to the free availability of vitamin supplements, and also a greater knowledge of how to counteract these problems (i.e. eat more foods that contain vitamin C!)

Food Versus Supplements
The majority of your nutrients should come from foods such as fruits, vegetables, fresh fish, meat, nuts and seeds etc. However if you have a particularly stressful or active lifestyle then you may benefit from taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement.

The benefit of a vitamin supplement is that you can be sure that you are consuming the right amount of nutrients every day. Also, if you are an active person you will require more nutrients than the average person, and this may be a problem when trying to consume your entire nutrient through whole foods. A vitamin supplement can help you reach you daily-required amount.

Today's modern  diet  is not the best at giving you the required amount of nutrients for optimal health. However there are a few simple ways to increase the amount of nutrients in your  diet  by switching the foods you eat, or by adding quick meals made out of fruits or vegetables. Supplements can give you the extra nutrients if you are finding it hard to eat healthy foods throughout the week.

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