In today's world of technological advancements, it seems that people are becoming more and more impatient every day. Thanks to the internet and its immediate response capabilities, people have adopted an "I WANT IT NOW" mentality in just about every aspect of their life. Losing weight and getting fit is no exception.
Just about every weight loss product on the market promises significant weight loss after just a few weeks. This fantasy of losing fat and getting into shape in no time at all is quickly killed as most fail to reach their goals and become disillusioned in the products and in themselves as well. The fact is, losing as much at 10 pounds or more quickly and more importantly HEALTHILY is certainly possible. It is no secret though, just the time tested principles of an effective exercise program and a healthy diet . Let's start with exercise and get you moving and shedding pounds of fat!
Many people fear exercise because they simply don't know what to do. They are thinking that complicated workout routines are necessary and expensive gym memberships are in their future if they really want to lost weight. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.
An effective exercise program that can lead to your losing 10 pounds of fat or more could be as simple as walking a mile or two per day. Maybe you have some stairs in the building where you work and you could climb those each day for 30 minutes or so. ANYTHING you do to raise your heart rate and begin burning calories can be effective. Now, as you continue your exercise program for a few weeks, you will want to increase your intensity so your body doesn't get used to the work you are doing and stop burning fat. Simple weight training is a good addendum to an overall exercise program in that each pound of muscle you build will act as a mini "heat furnace" to burn fat and calories long after you stop working out.
Keep in mind though, no matter how much exercise you do, a bad
Don't think of your
You see, losing 10 pounds of fat is not as difficult or scary as you might have thought. You just need to take consistent action and commit to a healthy exercise and